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Raritan Quarterly

Welcome Text

Welcome to Raritan, a journal of wide-ranging inquiry that offers writers and readers the opportunity for sustained reflection and aesthetic pleasure, uncluttered by academic jargon. Founded in 1981 by the distinguished literary critic Richard Poirier, and supported by Rutgers University, Raritan aims to reach the common reader in everyone and to provide a particular experience of reading, one that nurtures an engaged and questioning approach to cultural texts of all sorts: literary, artistic, political, historical, sociological, even scientific. Our contributors include some of the most prominent thinkers of our time, as well as talented younger writers whose voices we have just begun to hear.

Selections from our Current Issue

The Kawabata Scroll (fiction)
Jonathan Levi

Rayburn escaped from the painful sunlight of noon. No one greeted him at the front door of the restaurant. From the floom of the foyer, he looked down the tunnel of the corridor. A man was standing behind the counter stirring a giant cauldron, skin hanging off his arms like noodles drying on an ancient rail. Something was boiling. Socks, he thought. Underwear.

Gris Gris Guardian (mixed media)
Betye Saar
Late Summer (poetry)
John Palattella

Already fallen leaves
are turning in the wind, as if
the poplars were twigs without shadows.

On the Tyranny of Opinion
Garret Keizer

This morning I heard a news report on the radio about a halftime drag show to be performed at a high-school football game in support of LGBTQ+ people and their rights. I expect the show will generate some differences of opinion. If it had no potential to generate differences of opinion, I might not have heard about it on the radio.

Once or Twice: On James Longenbach
Matthew Bevis

I first met James Longenbach in 2013 when he gave a reading in Oxford. He read his poems beautifully that night. I remember his voice as he inhabited "The Crocodile," his smile when confessing "I pretended to be myself," and then the swerve to memories of his mother's death.

Current Exhibit

Summer 2024

Spring 2024
Raritan Spring 2024 vol. 43.4 Cover

Winter 2024
433 Winter 2023 Cover

Fall 2023
431 Summer 2023 Cover

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