Advertising rates   
One issue:
1 page, $290
2+ pages, $245 per page

Four issues:
1 page, $195
2+ pages, $150 per page

 Two to three issues:
1 page, $245
2+ pages, $200 per page

Advertising Deadlines  
Ad copy deadlines:
Summer, June 10
Fall, September 10
Winter, December 10
Spring, March 10

Publication dates:
Summer, August 20
Fall, November 15
Winter, February 1
Spring, May 1

Artwork specifications
Dimensions for all ads are 4.5 inches wide by 7.5 inches tall. We accept ads digitally formatted as black-and-white PDFs using the PDF/X-1a:2001 standard. Please ensure that all fonts are embedded and the image resolutions are as below. For halftone images, we require 300–900 ppi. For monotone images (bitmap), we require 900–1200 ppi. Raritan does not print half- or quarter-page ads or color ads.

For more information
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